Browsers are legion. Among the best known are Google Chrome, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Some like Explorer are about to disappear, and we will not be sad. Others have just arrived and others are fighting to position themselves among the bests. This is the case for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera.

Until recently, when asked who the best browsers were, I would classify them as follows:

  1. ChromeGoogle_Chrome_icon
  2. Firefox
  3. Edge
  4. Safari
  5. Opera
  6. Explorer

But it was before the arrival of Opera Reborn. The programmers have completely revised the browser to adapt it to the taste of the day. And I have to tell them, bravo. So, I had to review my ranking:

  1. Chrome
  2. Opera
  3. Firefox
  4. Edge
  5. Safari
  6. Explorer

Why this rise

I love the new design of the browser. With beautiful tiles for favorites and saved sites, we know where we are going. Everything is clear and easy to move. We want to add or remove a tile? Just use the option button available on each tile. The tiles of the big sites contain the logo, while the others contain the name in bulk, and the URL in small.

Opera - screenshot
A screenshot of the browser

But what I like above all, are the sidebars. The first is integrated into the browser. There is a button to open the history, one to open a news feed, one for favorites and one for quick links. But most importantly, it offers the ability to integrate Facebook Messenger, What’s App and Telegram. No need to connect to the website or pick up your phone. Simply click on the small button in the sidebar.

The second bar is optional and is only added if it is activated by adding extensions. It allows you to add some social networks, as well as various tools such as Google Translate or Tweetdeck. This bar opens on the side of the page without being disturbing. And as soon as you click next, it retracts until you select it again. It is fluid and without slowing down. So no need to go from one page to another! And if the site you are navigating on is responsive, it will resize in the same way as if you had reduced the width of your window. And you can keep both options open at the same time.

Why only second then

But if it’s so beautiful, you might say, why is it behind Chrome? For now, Opera Reborn is still in Beta mode. And although it is fast when browsing, the opening is slow. If you are the type to open your browser at the opening of the computer and close it only at night, you will not find that this is problematic. But if, like me, you close it and open it whenever you need it, it may bother you.

So I encourage you to try it. You can download Opera on their official website.


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